Spelinspektionen suspends Vivaro and Fair Play Bet’s licenses

Spelinspektionen suspends Vivaro and Fair Play Bet’s licenses

Spelinspektionen, the Swedish Gambling Authority, has suspended Vivaro and Fair Play Bets’ licenses. Vivaro no longer has either its online gaming or its betting licenses, and Fair Play Bets lost only its online gaming license.

The Swedish Gambling Authority has motivated its decision on a statement visible on its website. Apparently, neither of the companies have begun any activity relating to either license within a year since they had been awarded them. 

Vivaro, in fact, was given its license for online commercial gaming and betting at the beginning of June 2020, and Fair Play Bets had its license about a month later, at the beginning of July.

Despite the fact that these licenses required the companies to start activities related to online gambling, Vivaro has reported zero Swedish krona in sales in the period between June 2020 and May 2021, and Fair Play also reported no sales between July 2020 and June 2021.

Therefore, the regulator initiated two reviews: the one on Vivaro’s license on the 13th of July 2021, and the one on  Fair Play on August 13th. 

Vivaro responded to this by saying that the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on the staff of the company in Armenia had caused the failure to begin operations related to the license's purposes.

Furthermore, Vivaro also added that the war with Azerbaijan had caused fifty of its employees to leave to fight. Finally, the company specified that in a market such as that of Sweden, which is so heavily regulated, there's a need for extra time to prepare for an appropriate launch.

Fair Play said something different, explaining that they hadn’t started with their operations related to gambling because of a company restructuring, which had forced them to reduce both costs and labour.

Spelinspektionen, however, wasn’t satisfied with the two companies’ explanations and decided to revoke both the operators’ licenses as originally mandated.

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Conclusion: Fair Play Bets Limited and Vivaro Limited

Fair Play Bets Limited, which owned Volt Casino, has had its MGA license voluntarily suspended too and has closed down its casino. If you’d like to check for updates on the MGA website, here’s the company’s license number: MGA/B2C/205/2011

As for Vivaro, instead, which owns platforms such as the popular Vbet, but also Sportsonbet and Bettogo, Sportingwin and Alexpin, is still very much active, and as you can read on the MGA website, its licenses appeared as approved. If you’d like to check its authorization, refer to its license number: MGA/B2C/292/2015

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